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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bucket Tech: Samsung Galaxy Fold

In a low-key event held last week in Johannesburg, Samsung launched their much anticipated Galaxy Fold. The world's first fold-able smart phone. It creates a new mobile category for the market  and combines the smart phone with a tablet. Now while it may create a lot of hype, it begs the question of the practicality of such a device with tablets being used for specific purposes these days and while being portable you never see many out in public, while the versatility of the smart phone has grown ever popular with many but clearly there is a gap in the market for such a device like the Galaxy Fold, as it garnered lots of interest world over when it was first shown. Other manufacturers are also hot on the heels of Samsung to create foldable devices of their own, one of which has already got theirs on the market in the Asian countries. 

 South Africans have given the same amount of interest to the device as the first batch of Samsung Galaxy Fold have already sold-out with the pre-order sales. Samung South Africa is currently working on increasing stock levels to keep up with the demand. Even after a delayed-release, there is clearly an appetite for this pioneering device. The Galaxy Fold officially goes on Sale in South Africa on the 18th of October 2019. 

Just a quick recap on what the Galaxy Fold features, the world's first 7.3 inch Infinity Flex Display which folds into a compact device with a cover display. Galaxy Fold offers a powerful new way to multitask, watch videos, play games and more - bringing to life new experiences and possibilities years in the making. "Samsung is proud to introduce a premium foldable device that goes beyond the limitations of a traditional smartphone" said Cambridge Mokanyane, Chief Marketing Officer at Samsung South Africa. "The pre-order sales are indicative of the public's affinity for technology that transcends the norm". 

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