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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Don't be a goat, go vote

So today most of South Africa have the day off, I've seen many people on the social media streams saying what a welcomed day off it is. It's not like we didn't have any prior to this but granted an extra day to lie in is nice. The masses on line were planning on where to get drunk on Tuesday night or how to spend the day on Wednesday but none said anything about the main reason we have the day vote.

20 years ago, South Africa had its very first democratic election, that gave birth to a free and fare country with a constitution that catered for all races, this election was spear headed by the late Nelson Mandela. This is what he fought for, to give us, the countries citizens to vote for who we feel is right to lead our country. I know many of us are confused on who to vote for but at least make a choice tomorrow, that extra vote can go along way. Don't be one of those that doesn't vote, then sits and complains about the state of affairs during the next 4 years.

So again, I ask you , if you are registered, please exercise your right to vote and don't waste your chances. There will be plenty time for you to enjoy your day lounging by the pool or around a braai. Voting normally shouldn't take more than an hour and for those who are too lazy to get to a voting station, Uber are offering free rides to and from voting stations, so you can vote in style!

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